The Chair is responsible for the overall administration of the organization and its overall public presence.
- Sets up agendas and schedules meetings.
- Chairs regular meetings (including the AGM) and reviews the minutes of meetings.
- Provides an annual update at the AGM.
- Provides regular updates on monthly activities and issues for the newsletter.
- With other members of the Executive Committee, establishes yearly goals and targets for the membership, and provides leadership to achieve Bike Sudbury objectives as determined by the Executive Committee.
- Represents Bike Sudbury in public forums as required.
- Is a signing officer for the bank account.
The Vice-Chair assists the Chair with his/her responsibilities.
- Steps in to fill the roles of the Chair when s/he is not available.
- Supports the Chair and provides assistance with the administration of Bike Sudbury.
- Is a signing officer for the bank account.
The Secretary is the record keeper and document controller of Bike Sudbury.
- Records the meeting notes and makes them available within 1 week of the meeting.
If needed, other responsibilities may include:
- Monitors both electronic and conventional mail and routes them to the appropriate Bike Sudbury resource.
- Maintains a record of official correspondences.
- Keep copies of all official Bike Sudbury documentation (eg terms of reference, press releases, letters to the editors, responses to /replies from government).
- Maintains contact information of all current executive members.
The Treasurer keeps track of Bike Sudbury’s finances, and keeps accurate records of all expenses and revenue.
- Provides an annual financial report to the AGM and address any questions and inquiries from membership.
- Provides regular updates on Bike Sudbury finances to the Executive Committee.
- Keeps accurate accounting/financial records of the revenues and expenses for the organization.
- Ensures that all bills are paid on time.
- Is a signing officer for the bank account.
Advocacy Coordinator
The Advocacy Coordinator seeks to advance Bike Sudbury’s agenda through public awareness campaigns, and supporting and lobbying the municipal government; and seeks support in the community at large.
- Looks for ways to promote the cycling culture within the City of Greater Sudbury through partnership and collaboration with like-minded groups and organizations.
- Identifies opportunities to provide input on policies and road projects that impact cycling, and drafts input.
- Engages Bike Sudbury and the wider community in being a voice for safe cycling in Greater Sudbury.
Membership Coordinator
The Membership Coordinator coordinates the Bike Sudbury’s membership strategy, and keeps accurate records of Bike Sudbury memberships.
- Organizes the membership drives throughout the year to sign up new members.
- Keeps the membership list up to date.
- Responds to membership inquires in a timely fashion, and collects and records membership dues.
Communications Coordinator
The Communications Coordinator coordinates communications with registered members and the general public through notices and monthly email newsletters, online communications methods, and media releases.
- Notifies the public of upcoming Bike Sudbury events and statements in a timely fashion.
- Gets input/articles from Executive Committee and issues the newsletters regularly through e-mail and online communications methods.
- Updates public relations material (eg pamphlets, posters) as required and maintains a necessary supply of the material.
- Identifies opportunities to promote Bike Sudbury and/or forward the goals of Bike Sudbury.
- Informs the Executive Committees on trending issues relevant to Bike Sudbury.
- Coordinates an online presence, including a Bike Sudbury website and social media communications (Facebook, Twitter and others as recommended by the Executive Committee).
Events Coordinator
The Events Coordinator coordinates Bike Sudbury programs, events and projects, and assists the volunteer leads of each project and event.
- Keeps an accurate schedule of events, as agreed to by the Executive Committee.
- Checks in with the Team Lead for each event or project to make sure they have the support and supplies they need to promote and run the event/project, and they are following recommended guidelines.
- Manages event resources (eg tent, tables, public relations materials).
- Reports back to the Executive Committee on the success/failure of an event.
- Assists with recruiting volunteers for various Bike Sudbury events and organizing the volunteer work schedule.
- Co-ordinates event publicity efforts with the Communication Coordinator.
Member at Large
Members at large can choose to bring a general perspective or choose a focus including but not limited to education, outreach, new member outreach, advocacy, projects, volunteer coordination, media relations. Members at large could represent an area of Greater Sudbury.
The Executive
The Executive consists of 5-12 people. The roles of Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator and Communications Coordinator are considered essential to fill. Roles can be combined if necessary.
At the first new Executive Committee meeting, the Committee needs to prioritize the activities that we need or want to do, choose what is within our capacity, and assign specific roles and activities to those who volunteer to take them on.