Well, we've had to reschedule again due to the heat advisory.... we'll see if there's another opportunity for next week.
Join us on Wednesday, June 19th for the 2024 Mayor's Ride - the South End Tour!
We are on hiatus for this summer, but we just couldn't miss doing the annual Mayor's Ride! The ride starts at 6:00 pm with registration starting at 5:30 pm. Arrive early to chat with the Mayor.
We'll have a bike pump but can't help fix any other issues with your bike, so please make sure your bike is operating well.
Come meet the Mayor and other dignitaries, and chat with the City's Active Transportation Coordinator, LyAnne Chenier!
You can find the Ride With GPS route here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46912324
#bikemonth #mayorsride
Bike Sudbury has been doing advocacy and cycling programming including our signature Thursday night community rides since 2010. It is with regret that we're announcing that all regular activities for 2024 have been suspended as our ride and event leads have scheduling conflicts that make them unavailable for the coming season. We will evalute in spring 2025 whether we have the capacity to offer any programming in 2025.
We will be continuing to advocate for safe cycling in Greater Sudbury.
We will respond to emails and other messaging as soon as possible. If anyone is interested in helping with activities in 2025, you can contact us using the form below.
If anyone has purchased a 2024 membership, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and will happily refund your membership. Please let us know if you want us to do that. E-mail us at info@bikesudbury.ca or contact us below.
A huge thanks to the members, volunteers, partners, businesses, sponsors and supporters who have helped us for 14 years to work on building a cycling community.
Bike Sudbury