This Thursday’s ride is the McFarlane Loop. We start at Fionn MacCool’s, and go down Long Lake Road to Kivi Park for a mid-ride stop. Then we proceed on McFarlane Lake Road and South Lane Road that are great quiet paved country roads with lots of nice scenery. Then back on Highway 69 on paved shoulders to Regent St. The ride is about 18 km.
Registration starts at 6:15 and we start riding at 6:30.
On this ride, we’ll use a combination of secondary highways, country roads, and a busier highway/road. We go down the hill on Long Lake Road and there’s a few smaller inclines on the way back.
Our rides and Covid-19
There are now additional changes to the Covid-19 restrictions in Greater Sudbury. We will still be practicing physical distancing, so here’s how our rides will be done until there are further changes with provincial and/or city restrictions:
– We’ll meet at the meeting point and ride as one group since the outside gathering limit is now 100 people. Ride leaders will be there to help direct how this will be organized.
– When arriving at the meeting point, please keep your distance from other riders at the recommended 2 metres (6 feet), unless you are with other people in your 10-person “bubble”. Same with when we stop along the ride or end the ride.
– An option is to wear a non-medical mask when you cannot maintain a 2 metre distance. Note that this will not protect you from Covid-19, but will protect others from any droplets that you may breathe out when you are closer than 2 metres to another person. If you practice physical distancing at the meeting point and during the ride, you are not required to wear a mask on our rides.
– We will still need to ask to you sign our registration sheet. You may wish to bring your own pen to sign, or bring a pair of gloves that you can wear while using our pen. We will be disinfecting the pen after each use.
We post our rides on Facebook on our organization page and the We Bike in Sudbury group page, in Instagram and on Twitter, as well as in the event on this website.
PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE RIDE BELOW SO WE CAN PLAN FOR THE NUMBER OF RIDE LEADS THAT ARE NEEDED. Note: we will use the personal information you provide to us only to reserve a space on our ride. We will not release to anyone any personal information other than what may be required by law.
The rides now start at 6:30 pm sharp. Please be at the meeting point by 6:15 so we can get everyone registered before the start of the ride.
Details about all of our rides
Join us for some fun rides in 2020! Our Thursday evening Community Rides run until the end of September. Rides will be offered in a variety of locations across Greater Sudbury and will usually be approximately 20 to 26 km in length and will last approximately 1.5 hours. We’ll be travelling on roads and hard packed trails, so rides will be suitable for all styles of bicycles, and for most riders except for those who are just learning to ride.
Details, including the route for the ride, will go up on our website and on our social media a few days before the scheduled ride. Any cancellations due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances will also be announced the day of the ride on our website, Facebook page/group, Twitter, and Instagram. We only cancel if there is the risk of thunder or poor conditions on the roads or trails.
Children are welcome on our rides, but parents are responsible for determining if their child can complete the ride.
We will always ensure that the group stays together – no rider will be left behind! Every ride will include a pre-ride safety talk and some tips on how to navigate the route. Riders will need to sign an attendance/waiver form, and all riders under 18 must wear a helmet.
Before each ride, please ensure that your bike is road-worthy. We’ll have a bicycle pump available prior to each ride, but we won’t be doing bike repairs or adjustments. We encourage all riders to wear helmets. And don’t forget to bring some water and snacks!
Bookings are closed for this event.