Monthly meeting to discuss operational issues and to plan events and activities. This meeting will focus on planning for the coming year, memberships, and new name and branding.
We’ll be meeting in the gathering space at the main entrance.
This meeting’s agenda:
SCU Executive Meeting Agenda
January 15, 2019
Standing Items (40 min)
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Approval of previous notes – October 2018
3. Finances – report from the Treasurer; 2019 tentative budget
4. Memberships – quick report from Chair on status of 2019 outreach
5. Communications and PR – website status
6. Events and activities – winter socials, Ontario Bike Month, Great Waterfront Trail Adventure, update on bike exchange program, other events
7. Advocacy – Ontario budget, City budget, update on meetings with new Councillors, municipal Strategic Plan
Business Arising (10 min)
8. Review of outstanding action items from previous notes
New Business (30 min)
9. Name Change and Rebranding
10. Other
Next Meeting Date
11. Confirm next date