Complete Streets

Transportation Demand Management

Multimodal Level of Service 

To ensure that safe, direct, convenient, and comfortable cycling infrastructure is constructed in the City of Greater Sudbury, we need municipal policies that will ensure that all construction, repair, and maintenance roads projects and processes include an active transportation process.

We are advocating for the adoption of the above policies.

Complete Streets:

Complete Streets are designed to be safe, convenient and comfortable for every user, regardless of transportation mode, physical ability or age. This means that all road projects and maintenance routines just address the needs of all users.

More information on Complete Streets: Complete Streets Canada

Transportation Demand Management (TDM):

Transportation and land use system includes three major elements that represent the physical, economic and social factors behind travel behaviour:
- transportation demand—the needs and desires of individual people
- transportation supply—the infrastructure and services that move people
- land use—the places people travel to and from

Sustainable transportation measures work by addressing one or more of these three key elements. Policies, programs, services or products that address transportation demand are grouped under the term TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT or TDM. By influencing whether, why, when, where and how people travel, TDM measures can cause the following changes in travel behaviour
- modal shift—more people choosing to walk, cycle, take transit, carpool, vanpool or telework
- trip reductions—more people choosing to telework, shop online or conduct personal business by telephone
- driving reductions—more drivers making fewer trips by car and to closer destinations
- time and route shifting—more drivers changing the time or route of their driving trip to avoid traffic congestion

More information on TDM: Transportation Canada: Transportation Demand Management for Canadian Communities

Multimodal level of service (MMLOS):

In many jurisdictions, engineers assess how well roads and streets perform by measuring how well vehicular traffic flows on the road or street. Roads and streets are given a rating between A and F. 

Multimodal level of service is a method for assessing how well roads and streets serve the needs of all of its users. The method for evaluating the service has ratings that measure how well it serves people who drive automobiles, take buses, ride bicycles, and walk.

For an example of a good municipal MMLOS policy: City of Ottawa's MMLOS