Green Gathering, April 2013
On April 8, 2013, a number of green organizations met for the 4th Green Gathering session. The SCU was proud to be part of these sessions, which help to promote and coordinate green initiatives across many Sudbury organizations.
A new mission statement was approved and will be used to clarify what these gatherings entail:
Green Gathering Mission Statement
The Green Gathering is a coming together of local green groups in Greater Sudbury to:
- Share information and ideas
- Collaborate on shared needs and joint events
- Set common priorities and action items
Green Gatherings are a recognition that all environmental issues are interconnected and that we can all be most effective in our work by communicating and supporting each other. Green Gatherings are held every spring and fall. The core of the Green Gathering is a focused working meeting among representatives of active local green groups.
It was a great meeting, and some of the highlights included:
- Reviewing and approving a mission statement, which will clarify the purpose of the gatherings
- Discussing possible public events to further connect green organizations and like-minded citizens
- Reviewing the spring and summer plans and action items for the green groups who attended
- Discussing and approving updates to the top common priorities previously identified by the group
- Discussing shared needs
- Discussing Earth Day and other festivals to ensure coordination among green organizations
A number of results were achieved.
- An approved mission statement. Click here to review: Mission Statement
- A list of possible public events to be held either later in the year or next year. We will continue to explore these ideas.
- A green events action list. Click here to review: Green Events Action List
- Agreement on the top common priorities: It was agreed to expand the priority formerly called Safe, Convenient and Connected Cycling Routes. It was felt that we should support all sustainable active transportation modes. The new priority is Supporting Sustainable Transportation: walking, cycling, and transit.
- A number of good discussions around shared needs, and how groups can help each other with resources and expertise. A number of great connections were made between groups.
To see the story posted on the Media Coop, click here: Article in the Media Coop
All documents for the Green Gathering are available online on the Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury’s website: Green Gatherings. Full meeting notes and a short summary/update of action items is available for the April 2013 meeting.