We work with our members to encourage all municipal candidates to support safe, connected, convenient, and accessible cycling in all areas of Greater Sudbury. We send information to candidates, and have in the past asked all candidates to fill in surveys where they are asked if they would support specific cycling-related directions and investments.
Our main messages include that City of Greater Sudbury needs to support cycling by:
- Building a minimum grid of cycling routes that will serve as a cycling network spine that will ensure that cyclists of all ages and abilities can safely bike to whatever destination they wish to get to. This needs to be done in a timely manner.
- Implementing policies and supporting documents that support cycling in our city.
- Implementing programs and directions to make our streets safe for all road users.
- Implementing programs that encourage cycling and support safe cycling, including cycling education courses.
The City of Greater Sudbury is currently supporting cycling in the following ways:
- A Transportation Master Plan that includes a Pedestrian and Cycling Master Plan, approved by Council in December 2016
- $800,000 per year to support the implementation of new cycling infrastructure projects, approved in 2015
- an Active Transportation Coordinator position, approved in 2015 as a full-time 5-year contract and converted to a full-time permanent position in 2019
- a Complete Streets Policy approved in 2018
- Complete Streets Guidelines that will be developed in 2019
- a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan approved in 2018
- $50,000 per year for the implementation of TDM programs approved in 2019
- as part of the implementation of Complete Streets, project budgets for road reconstruction that include dollars for cycling infrastructure
- a Trails Master Plan, due to be completed in 2019
- a Rack and Roll program on City transit; as of 2018, all City buses are now outfitted with bike racks
Our letter to all 2018 municipal candidates is here: Submission to Municipal Candidates October 17 2018