News Update Feb 2, 2012
It’s February, and while there still is snow, the days are getting longer. Some of us are still cycling, and others are anxiously waiting for spring! We have a number of important initiatives that we’re working on, so read on for more details.
- Last Tuesday night, the SCU attended a public input session for the Draft Downtown Master Plan. There are a number of really good cycling recommendations in the plan. Written submissions in response to the plan will be accepted until Feb. 21, and we are getting feedback from members for our submission. Click here to see the plan. A special SCU meeting will be held on February 12, 1:00 p.m. at the Laughing Buddha – to provide you with an opportunity to get us your feedback on the plan. We also may be able to meet with Jason Ferrigan, Senior Planner for Greater Sudbury to discuss the plan with him – more details will be available on that once we confirm a date. You can also provide us your comments by going to the following blog entry: Input to Draft Downtown Master Plan. If you’re on Facebook, you can submit a comment on our page as well: The SCU on Facebook. And finally, you can always email us at
- Just a reminder that you can still enter your opinions on transportation in Sudbury. The city’s confidential online questionnaire will be up until June 2012. Go here to tell them what you want for our transportation network: Transportation Questionnaire.
- We’re also gathering input for the Bell Park Advisory Panel. Provide us your comments by going to the following blog entry: Input to Bell Park Advisory Panel. Or send them to us via Facebook or email.
- SCU members are busy working on a number of events and initiatives. February and March are the months to get things organized before the snow melts! To get involved, send us a message via our Contact Us page.