#CycleON Action Plan
In April 2014, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) released #CycleON Action Plan 1.0, the first Action Plan to implement #CycleON: Ontario’s Cycling Strategy. Two of the key commitments made as part of Action Plan 1.0 are to:
• Invest $10 million over three years to help municipalities improve cycling infrastructure; and
• Provide stakeholder partners with new funding to develop or enhance cycling skills training programs.
MTO has now secured funding for both of these initiatives and begun drafting the programs. The Ministry’s next step is to consult the public on the draft program designs. This aligns with MTO’s intent to consult the public on elements of the Action Plan that the Ministry is responsible for delivering.
The MTO has posted its ideas on program design on the Environmental Registry for public consultation. They have issued an invitation to comment on the draft program designs, particularly on the specific questions on which they are seeking feedback. Comments will be accepted until October 31, 2014.
You can find the postings and submit comments here:
• Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program
They also encourage people to review the associated document entitled “Proposed Design of the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program”. A link to the document can be found in the Additional Information section of the posting.
• Cycling Skills Training Funding Program
Any technical questions about the proposed programs can be directed to the program leads listed in the Environmental Registry postings.