We want to connect people, and encourage cyclists to bike in all seasons, and in all of our communities in Greater Sudbury!
We're starting an exciting series of monthly contests where you can win great prizes by posting your biking pics on social media! Post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, and we'll enter you into a draw at the end of the month. Use the hashtags #BikeCity #GreaterSudbury and the theme for the month! This month's theme is #WinterBiking.
You can also post on our Facebook Bike Sudbury page Bike Sudbury Facebook at the bottom of the contest announcement post. Or if you post an individual post, those posts from the public show up in the Community tab. We'll feature some of these posts on our timeline throughout the monthly contest.
February is #BikeCity #GreaterSudbury #WinterBiking
Have you been out on your bike this winter? We'd love to hear how and where you bike! Post a photo on social media of where you bike in the winter, or of you and your bike, and we'll enter you into a draw for a $50 gift certificate from Sessions Ride Company bike shop! Use the hashtags #WinterBiking #BikeCity #GreaterSudbury. The draw will be held on February 28 and we'll announce the winner on socialĀ media.
Want some tips on how to bike in the winter? Check out our winter cycling tips here: Winter Cycling Tips