Meeting Notes from the April 5, 2014 SCU meeting
The following notes have been posted on the Meeting page:
May 5 , 2013 general meeting:
- The Bike Inventory is a priority for the next few months. The scope of the project and activities were discussed. Further information on the project will be distributed using social media and a call out for volunteers is forthcoming.
- The SCU will be meeting shortly with the Greater Police Services to discuss this year’s activities and opportunities for collaboration.
- CAN-BIKE courses have been booked, including Learn to Ride and more advanced cycling skills courses. Several SCU members will be instructing.
- Members are encouraged to participate in the Elgin Greenway Open House on May 9th. The SCU will aggregate member feedback and provide a written letter.
- The Silver Hills development is moving slowly and the City has no new designs ready for review.
- The SCU is continuing to attempt to contact the CAA about running CAA cycling campaigns in our region.
- It is anticipated that the Tranportation Study report will be released for public review in mid-June. The SCU has prepared a study that compares the City’s recommendations for routes with the BAP and SMAP recommendations. We will be in a position to respond to the report when it is released.
- A public input session will be held on June 18 for the 2014 Budget. Our next meeting will focus on developing our requests and proposals.
- The SCU discussed how it could foster opportunities for input into infrastructure development and changes made by the City. It was agreed to continue to focus on getting Complete Streets adopted into the Official Plan, to investigate lobbying councillors; to respond to any Transportation Study guidelines; and to work with our members who are on the Sustainable Mobility Advisory Panel.
- The SCU reviewed the April Sustainable Mobility Advisory Panel April meeting. Of special interest was the discussion around requests for the 2014 Budget.
- The SCU reviewed the Ontario CAN campaign that is being organized by the Share the Road Coalition. Members of the SCU will be participating. The main intent is to lobby the provincial members of parliament to get their support to dedicate 1% of the roads infrastructure budget to cycling infrastructure. Additional information will be available soon on our website.
- A cycling petition item was deferred to the next meeting.
Public Relations
- Members reviewed the flyers, banner, and display board prepared for Earth Day. The flyers are posted on our site (under SCU materials) and additional comments are welcome.
- There were a few minor changes to our website last month – namely the change of the logo; the reorganization of sidebar link categories; and changing post displays to summaries in order to better display our home page. We will also change our motto to “Get Smart. Get Cycling.” This will match the motto that is currently being used on other public relations material.
- As there were no volunteers available to coordinate our participation in the Sudbury Rocks Road Race, the SCU will not participate this year.
- The SCU will participate in the Commuter Challenge, slated for June 2-8. We will contact EarthCare (who is organizing the event) to get more information and then plan our events.
- Members were reminded about the SCU BBQ on May 18.
- The SCU discussed our participation in the Green Gathering in April. This was a very good meeting where green organizations gathered to share coming priorities; and discuss common concerns and opportunities for sharing resources and knowledge. Additional information is available on our website.
Next Meeting:
- There is a conflict with the meeting scheduled for June. The meeting was moved to Thursday, June 6th at 7 pm. The location will be confirmed shortly. Most of the meeting will be dedicated to the 2014 budget requests.