New Draft Downtown Master Plan Suggests New Routes – Good or Bad?
The new Draft Master Plan is proposing two large projects that incorporate cycling routes. While this sounds exciting, it ties simple cycling infrastructure into major multi-million dollar projects.
1. The extension of Ste. Anne Road to connect it directly into Frood Road/College Street will complete the City’s Downtown Ring Road System, providing an alternative east west route through the core that is expected to reduce some of the traffic on Elm Street. The width of the street allows for the introduction of a dedicated cycling lane(s), connecting into the City’s cycling network at Junction Creek. This new connection will provide a missing link in the cycle network and allow for a connection to the Elgin Street Greenway.
2. A new linear park and multi-use pathway is proposed to edge the southwestern side of Downtown Sudbury. Running the length of Elgin Street, the Elgin Greenway will provide a beautiful new face to the downtown, buffer the Downtown from the rail lands, rejuvenate the portion of the Trans Canada Trail that runs through the downtown and create an expansive shared-use trail connecting the downtown to Ramsey Lake, the hospital and Laurentian University beyond. The Elgin Greenway will complete the missing active transportation link between the institutional hubs in the north with the attractions in the south.
Tell us what you think!
Je pense que c’est un très bon début. Ce n’est évidemment pas ce qui serait idéal mais c’est définivement mieux que ce qui existe à l’heure actuelle.