SCU Issues Municipal Election Survey!
The Sudbury Cyclists Union has sent a municipal election survey to all candidates. The SCU will be posting the results on this site in early October.
Candidates were sent a survey link via email, as well as pdf and Word documents that they could use to send back their responses.
2014 Municipal Election Candidate Survey
The Sudbury Cyclists Union wants to hear your views on cycling in Greater Sudbury. Please fill in our election survey to explain your support for safe cycling in our city.
Please keep your explanations short and to the point. We suggest a maximum of 2 to 3 paragraphs. We encourage you to use bullet points.
Tell us about yourself
Question 1. Election priorities
If you are elected, what will be your top priorities?
Question 2. Do you ride a bike?
Please mark an x beside all options below that apply to you.
No, I don’t ride.
I mountain bike.
I ride on roads.
I would like to ride on roads, but I don’t because I am afraid to do so.
I ride for recreation.
I ride for commuting purposes.
I ride every chance I get.
I ride weekly.
I ride monthly.
I ride only in the spring, summer and fall.
I ride year round.
Active Transportation
Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Question 3. Healthy Living
I support projects that promote healthy active living in our community.
Question 4. Cycling
I consider cycling an increasingly important mode of transportation.
Question 5. Bike-friendly communities
Investing in a bike-friendly community benefits everyone.
Question 6. Future needs
Alternative modes of transportation are going to be more necessary in the future.
Question 7. Current infrastructure
Our community’s cycling infrastructure needs to be improved.
Cycling in Greater Sudbury
Question 8. Safer cycling
Were you aware that the city’s 2010 Sustainable Mobility Plan states that 1/3 of our residents don’t drive a car? Cycling can be done by all Greater Sudbury residents, and is good for personal health and the health of the environment. What ideas or recommendations do you have to improve and encourage alternate modes of transportation, including cycling, in Greater Sudbury?
Proposed City of Greater Sudbury Strategies
Question 9. Budget
Would you support budget dollars dedicated to building new cycling infrastructure as identified in the Transportation Master Plan? For example, the current Transportation Study proposes building bike lanes on a number of existing roads.
Don’t know
Explain why/why not?
Question 10. Current capital projects
Would you support the mandatory inclusion of cycling infrastructure in all the arterial and major roads projects already identified on the 2014-2018 roads capital budget priority list?
Don’t know
Explain why/why not?
Question 11. Complete Streets
Would you support the implementation of a Complete Streets Policy, entrenched in the Official Plan, with the following components:
- strong policy language like “must implement”;
- addressing all users including pedestrians, cyclists and transit users of all ages and abilities;
- applicable to all projects (new, retrofit and repair);
- with a mandated procedure to allow exceptions;
- with the aim to create a comprehensive, integrated, connected network to benefit all users and modes;
- that will cover all jurisdictions;
- that uses the latest and best design criteria and guidelines;
- that allows for road and community context;
- that establishes performance standards with measurable outcomes;
- that includes specific next steps for implementation.
For more information on Complete Streets, see here: Complete Streets for Canada website
Don’t know
Explain why/why not?
Question 12. Transportation Demand Management
Would you support implementing a Transportation Demand Management strategy and program at the City directed by a senior manager who will coordinate the implementation across all impacted City departments?
Transportation Demand Management Transportation Demand Management (TDM) is a wide range of policies, programs, services and products that influence how, when, where and why people and goods are moved. TDM programs and strategies are meant to encourage greater use of sustainable modes of transportation and trip decision making that reduces, combines or shortens vehicle trips. For a sample TDM strategy implementation, see: Kitchener Transportation Demand Management Program
Don’t know
Explain why/why not?
Question 13. Community consultation
Cyclists want to be part of the road design process when cycling infrastructure is involved. How will you ensure that community consultation is done effectively and openly from the start to finish of all roads projects?