SCU News Flash – SCU BBQ this Sunday
Just a reminder that the SCU is holding a BBQ/Tuneup for its members this Sunday, April 29. Kids and significant others are welcome!
We’ll have our monthly meeting around 1, where we’ll discuss our new promo materials, upcoming campaigns, sample pinneys (sports shirts you can put on over existing clothes) for riding safely, other possibility for SCU clothing, report on the SCU meeting with the Toronto Cyclists Union, report on our networking with the Ward 8 CAN at their earth day cleanup and bbq, May and June activities, and other business folks want to discuss.
Then the tuneup and socializing time. I have a hose for cleaning your bikes, Tools will be available for those who want to do tuneups; you’re welcome to bring some too if you want.
BBQ will be lit when folks start to get hungry. Hamburgers, baked potatoes and pop are already provided. If others want to bring potluck salads or deserts, that would be good. BYOB. My hottub is functional, so bring your bathing suits if you want to tub. Too cold for the pool though – later in the summer 😉
Instructions re how to get to my place are on the map below.
The route is a combination of fast/pretty way of getting to my house from downtown. It involves using the Rotary Trail, and then uses roads to get to Dollard Ave.
You can also use part of the downtown to flour mill trail which starts at the Ukrainian Seniors Center at the corner of Notre Dame and Elm. Parallel the Creek until you pass under the first overpass and turn right up the fairly steep trail right after the overpass. That will get you to Leslie St. Turn left and go down to Harvey St, turn right and you’re at the Rotary Trail.
Another alternative on the way is to take the Lasalle to Maley trail from its entrance on Lasalle to the Twin Forks playground, which is on Gary, right around the corner from me.
If you’re not familiar with the Rainbow Routes trails from downtown to New Sudbury, this is an opportunity to explore!
Hi there,
Are pets welcomed at this event. I was thinking of taking the dog for a long walk.
David DuBois
Sorry, didn’t see this until today! And yes, your pet would have been welcome. Next time!