SCU News Flash – Sustainability Tour Ride Tomorrow!
Just a reminder that the SCU is hosting a ride tomorrow as part of the Sustainability Tour. The ride is from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Cyclists should meet at Victory Park, corner of Frood Rd and Shevchenko St.
In conjunction with Rethink Green’s walking, bus, and self-guided sustainability tours, the SCU has mapped out a Cycling tour. While the tour sites will be operating all day, the SCU will be holding a group ride leaving from Victory Park, with stops at Ste. Anne community garden, a short hike at St. Michael’s School, and Science North, ending at the Living with Lakes Center in time for a guided tour of the facilities. Here’s a link to the Google Map of the Route:
Also note that there will be a guided hike on Donovan Mountain starting from Victory Park at 10 a.m., and art activities for all ages running all day courtesy of Myths and Mirrors, so if you want to show up early, there will things to do until the ride starts!