SCU Submits 2018-2022 Priorities to Municipal Candidates
On October 17, 2018, the SCU sent an email and info graphic to all municipal candidates. The information outlines our priorities for the new Council, and we’ll be working on moving these priority forward once the new Council is in place. Our priorities were also submitted to City staff as our formal submission to the 2019 budget.
In 2018, the City of Greater Sudbury received a Bronze Bicycle Friendly Community Award. Let’s continue to work together and target eventually moving all the way up to Platinum!
Our priorities:
- Make the Active Transportation Coordinator a full-time position.
- Continue to fund our cycling transportation network. There is currently $800,000/year of base funding for new cycling infrastructure. We need to continue this as a minimum investment towards retrofitting our roads and streets so they are safe for all cyclists.
- Fund the Complete Streets Guidelines. Council approved a Complete Streets Policy in 2018. Now we need to fund the guidelines to ensure the policy is consistently applied to all roads projects.
- Fund recommended strategies in the Transportation Demand Management Plan. Council approved a Transportation Demand Management Plan in 2018. Now we need to fund the recommended strategies and programs that will help to reduce single occupant vehicle trips.
- Quicker timelines to complete a safe, accessible, convenient, and connected cycling route network. Many of our streets most dangerous to cyclists need separated cycling infrastructure, but our current timelines are 11-15+ years to see this completed.
- A Trail Master Plan. We need cycling standards and plans to connect our trails and communities.
- Continue to work collaboratively with the community. This includes continuing the Sustainable Mobility Advisory Panel, and continuing to involve cyclists in all of the decisions that affect them.
For our complete submission, see here: