SCU Updates
Over the past few months, the SCU has been busy advocating for a better cycling infrastructure in Sudbury. We’ve made a number of presentations to City Council and city staff. Hopefully, we’ll see some changes soon!
We’ve also been discussing a number of initiatives and events that may interest members. To see them, look at the events on our events calendar. We’ll be sending our additional info on each event/activity as we get nearer to its date. April has a number of events that we’ll attend, many of which are associated with Earth Week and Earth Month.
We’re also investigating SCU promotional material, including items like shirts and brochures. More on that to follow once we get pricing and samples!
Our group rides are scheduled to start sometime in May, but that may change given the current weather and our fast-disappearing snow. We’ll notify you as soon as we have a confirmed schedule.
If you’re interested in more details about what we’ve been doing, check out our Meetings page which summarize the items we’ve discussed at our monthly meetings. And our next general membership meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2012 at the Laughing Buddha from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Our web site: Sudbury Cyclists Union WebSite