Speak Up for Safe Cycling on Lorne Street
Lorne Street (from Martindale to Logan) is being reconstructed in 2016 & 2017. Current plans do not include safe bike routes, and it is uncertain whether that will change.
If you want to be able to bike safely on Lorne, now is the time to let Council know that it is important to you.
– Ask for safe cycling on Lorne Street.
– Ask for a bike route physically separated from cars and trucks.
– Share what safe cycling on Lorne would mean for you and your family.
– Keep your message positive and respectful. This Council has voiced their support for sustainable transportation – let them know how important it is to you that that translate into safe bike routes on Lorne Street.
Here’s what you can do:
a) Contact your councillor. Phone 3-1-1 or go to http://sudburycandidates.ca/ to find their contact info.
b) E-mail Council: brian.bigger@greatersudbury.ca; mayor@greatersudbury.ca; mark.signoretti@greatersudbury.ca; michael.vagnini@greatersudbury.ca; gerry.montpellier@greatersudbury.ca; evelyn.dutrisac@greatersudbury.ca; robert.kirwan@greatersudbury.ca; rene.lapierre@greatersudbury.ca; mike.jakubo@greatersudbury.ca; al.sizer@greatersudbury.ca; deb.mcintosh@greatersudbury.ca; fern.cormier@greatersudbury.ca; lynne.reynolds@greatersudbury.ca; joscelyne.landry-altmann@greatersudbury.ca
c) Sign the on-line petition and share with others: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/37JD5CZ
d) Write a letter to the editor (keep it under 300 words, include your name, phone number and address, and e-mail to editor@northernlife.ca and/or sud.letters@sunmedia.ca).
e) Contact us to help out.
We want bike lanes! More people will bike if they are there, it’s 2016 we should have them!
This really upsets me when I hear that new road construction projects like this, still do not include any plans for a real bike lane. Please reconsider these plans and do not allow any road construction projects unless they also include proper, separate, bike lanes. Also please note that simply painting a cycling icon onto the road as was done on the Regent street does not make it a safe place for a cyclist. That “bike lane” would be terrifying for a cyclist to ride.